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Video Series: How to Create Authenticity in Design (And Why It Matters!)

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In 2015, Matthew Tyson of The Huffington Post wrote that millennials, “are not moved by flashy ads, big promises, and the ‘wow’ factor. They want authentic messages, authentic brands, and authentic interactions.”

Four years later, millennials have maintained huge buying power. They crave emotional connections and will look for this connection when deciding between brands. This is why a focus on authenticity in design is a top marketing trend for 2019, and is an important addition to our marketing trends video series.

When it comes to content, the images, colors, and graphics we use are equally as critical as the words we choose. Consumers, not just millennials but Gen Z and others, are looking for a personal connection with the brands and businesses they interact with. Well-thought-out designs can help foster that connection, while attracting new eyes to your business.  

Design offers the opportunity to create connections. Through the look and feel of your designs, logos, materials, website, and more, you can forge connections with your audience. Design allows you to show the human side of your business. Trends in design are constantly evolving, but here are a few ways you can highlight the human element in design and communicate authentically with your customers in 2019.

Be Bold, But Keep It Simple

Bold, vibrant colors are making a splash in 2019. Even Pantone’s color of the year offers a unique pop. This can help you make a statement with your website, emails, and graphics. Don’t be shy about using colors that truly reflect your business and your personality.

That said, don’t forget the power of simplicity. Minimal designs can keep your message from getting lost, and there’s nothing wrong with a little white space to keep things looking clean, polished, and professional.

Be Unique and Original

Show off the uniqueness that is you with hand-drawn or custom designs and texts when possible. This communicates intimacy and shows that there are people behind your brand. Remember, people want to buy from people.

With that in mind, don’t forget to show off the people behind your brand. Use pictures of people rather than objects and, when you can avoid it, no stock photos! If you have to, make sure those photos truly reflect the people behind your brand, and make them as personal as possible. Millennials are savvy when it comes to marketing, and they can sense when you aren’t being genuine. They’re also prolific users of the internet, and are likely to notice when you use that stock photo that a million other brands have used.

Traditional advertising doesn’t have much of an impact on Millennials or Gen Z, so 2019 is a great time to focus on reimagining how you connect with your current and future customers. Use these tips to design a new logo, consider the layout of your Instagram page, or refresh the colors on your website. Pick something that makes you feel good, and it will make your customers feel good.

Stay tuned for more marketing trends from mConnexions Owner & Principal Strategist Julie Holton. And, let us know what you would like to see featured in our next video!

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