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Money Can’t Buy Happiness… Or Can It?

We’ve all heard the age-old adage, money can’t buy happiness. Yet, we seem to always be in pursuit of both: money and happiness. Cold, hard cash means we can buy bigger, better, and more. We try to keep up with the Joneses and the Kardashians. We expect earnings to grow, profits to rise, and productivity to soar. All, in the quest to make a buck. And yet, for all the times we each say, ‘money isn’t everything’, there may actually be something to it. Could money actually buy happiness?

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How to Build Your Online Brand Without Spending a Fortune on Social Media

You want to grow your brand and build name recognition for your business. But you don’t have much of a budget and just getting started gives you anxiety. Does this sound familiar? We get it! Marketing yourself or your business can seem like an overwhelming feat – like one that only big businesses can afford to do. Here’s the good news: You don’t need a lot of money to build your online presence – especially when using social media. You need the right strategy and you need time. Yes, we know, time is money, so we’ll walk you through how to build that strategy so that you’re investing your time wisely.

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How to Get Earned Media Coverage for Your Business

As you plan your marketing strategy, earned media is a valuable option to promote your brand.

Earned media is free and often considered the most trusted source of information. A story in a newspaper promoting your brand or a segment on the noon news offers more credibility than a paid advertisement. Although free, earning a spot in the media for your local business isn’t easy. It takes planning, relationship building, and persistence.

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Crisis Communications: What We Should All Learn from ABC’s Response to Roseanne Barr’s Racist Tweet

ABC is scrambling following Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet about a President Obama adviser -- and we should all be taking notes on how companies deal with crisis communications. The star's tweet led to the eventual cancellation of the show, which generated $45 million for the network in the most recent TV season, according to Kantar Media. The cancellation means a huge loss in revenue for the network, but some could argue that not cancelling the show and dealing with advertising fallout - and more - would have been much more costly to the network's brand.

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