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Do Lead Magnets Really Work? How to Create a Successful Sales Pipeline

We’ve all heard the saying that you get more flies with honey than with vinegar, and this mantra can be related to your marketing in a major way! Gathering contact information to build your customer base can be challenging, slow, and have a negative reaction from potential customers.  For your customers, it’s vinegar. But there’s a shortcut to turn those “No, thank yous” into “Yes, please!”. The honey? Lead magnets.   What Is A Lead Magnet? Lead magnets are handy tools. They are a free item or service you can give away to customers in exchange for data…

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Sales Is a Five Letter Word You Need to Learn

Sales is a skill set. It’s incredibly important for professionals to learn, even though – especially even – you’re not in sales. Knowing how to sell, is really about knowing how to listen and how to serve. And once you’ve figured out how to do that, you’ve got a leg up on everyone else. In Zig Ziglar’s book, Secrets of Closing the Sale: For Anyone Who Must Get Others to Say Yes! he asserts that everyone is in sales. However, he goes on to explain that sales isn’t what you’ve been led to believe. Selling is helping. It’s…

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