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Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing & Automation

Reports show that checking email is the #1 activity on the internet with 94% of internet users getting online for this reason alone. This means that email actually surpasses social media usage and online searches. Email marketing’s power comes from its ability to break through cultural, generation, and class barriers. Its effectiveness for marketers lies in its ability to target a specific audience while providing a steady return on investment.

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2019 in Review: A Few of Our Favorite Things

We’re winding down the year with a few of our favorite things — as decided by you! Here’s a look back at 2019 with our most popular podcasts, blogs, and videos: Top Podcast of 2019: How to Build Yourself as a Thought Leader In August, we launched the mConnexions Marketing Minute, a weekly podcast offering marketing insights, hosted by our Principal Strategist, Julie Holton. As we flex our own thought leadership muscle with our podcast, it's not lost on us that our most listened to episode in 2019 is about thought leadership. “Think of the best speaker you’ve ever heard. The best…

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