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Video Series: How to Create Content that Sells

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There is one key component to a successful marketing campaign — solid content. Some businesses prefer traditional outbound marketing campaigns such as advertisements while other businesses utilize blogs or e-newsletters to promote their brands.  One thing is certain however, correctly curating your content on your preferred platform can be beneficial and delivering at a balanced pace is often preferred by consumers because it doesn’t come off as intrusive or product-pushing.

In this video, mConnexons CEO + Principal Strategist, Julie Holton talks about how to create quality content.

According to Content Marketing Institute, “Content marketing generates over three times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less.” Furthermore, small businesses that provide blogs get 126% more growth in leads than small businesses without blogs. Additionally, 61% of U.S. online consumers made a purchase after reading a recommendation on a blog.

Trust is built with content marketing and authentic content captures interest and helps maintain relationships previously built through trust. Marketing is about building relationships and that is why content curation is a top marketing trend for 2019 and is included as a part of our marketing trends video series.

Ways to Create Quality Content

Here are three key components to creating quality content for your audience:

  1. Establish and understand your marketing goals.
  2. Create goals to determine what you share with your audience.
  3. Use your content as a carrier for that message and make it compelling.

Content Balance

All content needs to be delivered at a reasonable pace to prevent it from being provided too abruptly to consumers. Emphasizing quality over quantity provides the best overall balance.

At mConnexions, we like to use the rule of thirds. At maximum, promotional content should only be included within 1/3 of your content. Eliminating the need to oversell and including specific calls to action within the promotional material helps fulfill your balance without pushing the product or service on the audience. According to Search Engine Journal, “84% of millennials stated that they don’t like advertising at all.” By limiting promotional content to 1/3 helps alleviate that preference.

Next, 1/3 of your time and content should be focused on your expertise in the business. In many ways, your business is thought of as a resource within the market. By sharing and educating your audience, you’re able to build relationships, show leadership skills and knowledge without claiming to be the brightest bulb in the box. By including your expertise within your content, there is a possibility of drawing in a larger audience– those who just want to learn more!

The final third should include curated thought leadership by other trusted authorities. By adding a personal spin or sharing content from others, it portrays your content as a library — a location for industry information, not just your own.  

Making the Most out of Content Marketing

The most important aspect of content marketing is using the correct platforms to connect with your audience. Content marketing can take your business to the next level as long as the correct platforms are being used and solid content is being created. Whether you’re using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or another platform, take a look at our blog which offers ways to win at content marketing.

Stay tuned for more marketing trends from mConnexions Owner & Principal Strategist Julie Holton. And, let us know what you would like to see featured in our next video!

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