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Podcast: How to Build Yourself as a Thought Leader

      Think of the best speaker you’ve ever heard. The best podcaster. The best newscaster. The best friend who’s just a wealth of knowledge. They all have one thing in common: their position as a thought leader. You can have that expertise and authority. When done right, thought leadership can build you personally and strengthen your brand, but you must do it strategically to do it successfully. On this marketing Monday, we’re talking about thought leadership.  Those who have it leverage it to sell products, find clients, and create a name for themselves. So how do you…

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Podcast: What’s In A Name?

      What’s in a name? When we’re talking about marketing or branding — it’s safe to say, everything. So how do you choose the right name when launching a new blog, podcast, or marketing campaign? When launching a new blog or marketing campaign, you’ve gotta start with a good name. Far too often, we see people pick a name — register a domain and start publishing content — only to find that quick pick is a bad fit. If your name is too long — too awkward — or needs to be explained, you’re going to…

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This Just In: We’re Launching a Podcast!

Welcome to our new weekly podcast, the mConnexions Marketing Minute! Click now to subscribe! We know there’s a lot of marketing content out there. We also know that your time is best spent doing what you do best, focusing on your business, not trying to sift through all the tips, tricks, and DIYs that the internet has to offer. With that in mind, each week we will boil down the best information out there into bite-sized pieces of marketing news that you actually have time to digest. We’ll pack it all into roughly 1-2 minutes of audio to help get your #MarketingMonday…

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