Podcast: Content Marketing Rule of Thirds

Content Marketing

There is one key component behind every successful marketing campaign — good content.

Whether you’re putting together digital ads, social media content, or a multi-media marketing campaign, with the right content, you can establish trust, build relationships, and produce quality leads.

It takes strong, authentic content to capture interest, create and maintain a relationship.

After all, marketing is all about building relationships or connections. So, to create quality content:

  • You must first establish and understand your marketing goals. Your goals will determine the message you share with your audience. Your content is the vehicle for that message. Writing compelling content will drive your message and help you achieve your goals.

Then, keep in mind, you need to balance the type of content that you’re pushing out. At mConnexions, we like to use the rule of thirds:

  • This means that at a maximum, only ⅓ of your content should be promotional. People don’t want to be sold to — they’re too smart for that. So include specific calls to action, but don’t oversell. And only use promotional material, at most, ⅓ of the time.

Focus more energy instead on the next two portions:

  • ⅓ of your time should put your expertise front and center, as a resource. I like to think of this as sharing or educating your audience. This demonstrates your thought leadership without bragging about your skills.
  • The final third curates or shares other thought leadership. Add your two cents or personal spin, while sharing content from other trusted authorities.

Content is at the heart of everything we do at mC, so you’ll find a lot more online on our blog.

The mConnexions Marketing Minute is a weekly podcast offering marketing insights from the team at mConnexions. Click here to listen to more episodes. Have a topic you’d like to request? Let us know!


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